Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cauthen gets life in Prison

Cauthen Gets Life In Prison

In the article “Cauthen gets life in prison”, David Cauthen gets life for the murder of his girlfriend Brenda Steen. The killing occurred on Oct 17, 2004, when Brenda Steen was brutally stabbed. After he took the stand in his own defense Cauthen told the jurors that he found Brenda’s body in the trunk of his car and didn’t know how it got there. Several witnesses saw Cauthen frantically trying to start Steen’s car and never got it started then later he had it towed to Thompson Rd the same day she went missing. Months before the killing, David was charged with domestic violence against Brenda several times before this murder. Once the cops studied through all of their evidence they found that David Cauthen had to be the murder of Brenda Steen and came up with the conclusion that he had to be in SC, but never could find him after looking they found David had went to Virginia then to Louisiana where he was arrested.

Relationship with Psychology:
Looking back on what we have learned I noticed about the subject Behavior Modification and in this chapter we talked about positive and negative reinforcements. The paragraph talks bout a brutal killing for a woman and a man going to trial about this murder. It seems they are using a negative reinforcement to take away something valued or desirable to Cauthens “Life”. Then again a positive reinforcement by giving this person life in prison both subjects can relate to this topic because the person is being punished by his cause of behavior. If I would have to choose which one it would be negative because they are using punishment by removal which means taking something earned free away and making Cauthen lose his ordinary life out side of prison by gaining confinement behind bars.

Published Sunday Nov 22, 2009
The Lancaster News Paper
Chapter 5, Behavior Modification

Investors look to shoppers, home sales, jobless data.

Investors look to shoppers,
home sales, jobless data

Hoping that just because people are jobless, it wont stop the production of sales at Christmas time even though it’s about to be the end of the year. Matt Lloyd says “The economy is recovering, but not in every area”, in this statement people are worried that the economy is still at a down fall with the money issue. Concerns over the direction of the dollar are with the federal reserve raising interest rates could put more pressure on stocks throughout the end of the year. Making anxiety run high though the economy with the increase of the dollar amount, since Christmas is approaching fast they are hoping that people will spend money to help jump start the economy and get the stock to where it needs to be. The only problem is that no one has any money to lack of jobs in the United States. In this article they are saying that since this year has been such a rollercoaster with money issues that they wont be surprised to see such dramatic degrees in sales at the end of the year.

Relationship with Psychology:
Having to worry about everything now days, Anxiety can fall upon this category of subjects. The people in this article are developing fear that the stock market will eventually crash due to no money coming in and which will decrease trade and will cause the price to go up on everything especially what we bring in from other countries. So many people today end up with some kind of disorder because of so much worrying due to the decrease in the economy which is why I chose anxiety for this subject.

Charlotte Observer

Nov 23, 2009

Chapter 14, Anxiety

Me, Myself and Irene

“Me, Myself, and Irene”

This movie was about a man who developed schizophrenia; also know as multiple personality disorder. The main character was a shy, polite man who never seemed to be offended by anyone and never stood up for himself. He held in all his feelings until he developed another personality. This personality was the opposite of his original one. While under this mindset he would offend others and made sure no one messed with him in any way.

Relationship with Psychology:
I chose this movie due to its content and display of a disorder that most people never really notice in their day-to-day lives. Schizophrenia, according to the book, means “out of one’s mind before one’s time.” After the man finds out what caused him to develop this disorder, he finds away to cope with his feelings by speaking his mind and not caring what other s thought about him. After loosing a wife like this man did and finding out that the children that she had wasn’t yours I can see how something like this would change a persons life.

October 24th, 2009

Movie, seen on T.V. at 3:40 p.m.

Chapter 14, Schizophrenia

Keeping Track of Buck

An osprey named buck was born in Great Falls, SC in the spring of 2009. An osprey is a bird of prey. During the birth of this bird the nonprofit organization Catawba Valley Land Trust, sponsored this bird in taking part of an observation on how the bird is doing in its new habitat. Since August the bird flew from the Carolinas to Georgia, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. After staying in Tennessee for five weeks the bird was about to take a long journey to South America since then the bird is now located near Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. Buck has been fitted for a transmitter which used satellite technology to track his whereabouts. Once the winter is over Buck will return to his home in the US where you will be able to find him with his family. This is teaching the students at the Great Falls Elementary School about Buck and about other wild life. Teaching the kids how you should respect the nature that is around you.

Relationship with Psychology:
Psychology relates to this topic by using scientific methods. This would be used in a laboratory observation even though this animal isn’t literally in a lab the organization and students are studying this species with a device by tracking its behavior. Using case studies can help with understanding buck and why the bird chooses to do what it does. I thought this was an interesting subject to study because just to see a bird come from SC and will eventually end up in South America is fascinating, I always have wondered where all the birds fly to and how long it took them to get to where they are going and by them studying buck they may find out a lot more than they know now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009 article
The Lancaster News
Chapter 1, Descriptive methods of Observation

Life-changing Accident

Back on His Feet”

The Lancster News

November 8th, 2009 Sunday


Its been four months after the 90 foot fall in Greenville, South Carolina, and Chase Carpenter is making a lot of major improvements in his health and physical abilities. Since his accident, he has undergone two major surgeries and still faces the option of future surgery. Chase has taken an new outlook on life throughout his recovery. The accident occurred in July, when Chase went to Greenville with a friend to spend the day hiking and exploring waterfalls. While at the top of one of the waterfalls, Chase slipped and slid down the rocks until he reached the ground that was 90 feet below. He suffered a spinal, leg, abdominal, and pelvic injuries. Throughout this whole experience, Chase has changed his life. He now plans on becoming a physical therapist in order to help others with dealing with the same issues he has faced.

Relationship to Psychology:

There is a vast comparison with this story and psychology. The different types of the body and its functions fall right into this description. Since Chase had a spinal cord injury, this story also compares with the brain and its purpose of sending signals to the peripheral nervous system and relaying pain signals. Chase is a very good friend of mine, which made it so overwhelming to me to see an ordinary boy have his life completely changed in such a short amount of time.

Chapter 2,

Biological Perspective

-Neurotransmitters and their functions.